Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What's Buried in Your Backyard?

You know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good He does... 
               ~ Ephesians 6:8

     Hello friends! I know it’s been a while since I’ve last posted. The summer was a busy one for us and now I’m struggling to get back into the rhythm of writing again.

     To be perfectly honest, rhythm isn’t the only thing I’ve been struggling with concerning my writing. Purpose, cause and focus have also thrown a monkey wrench of frustration into my weekly thoughts of inspiration, paralyzing my writing abilities. This past July I attended the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference, and, while it was an awesome experience where I learned so much, Satan used one session to make me begin over-thinking my “niche” audience. Since I’ve begun writing, I’ve had difficulty narrowing down my audience, or tribe as some like to call it, knowing only God was leading me to inspire and encourage women, and that was enough. But since that session, I’ve felt I couldn’t go on until I had a targeted tribe mapped out with laser focus. Thus, my lack of posting.

      A few weeks ago I was reading Vonda Skelton’s blog interview (www.vondaskelton.com)  with author Elaine Miller where Vonda asked when she knew she wanted to be a writer. Elaine shared that she’d never planned to be a writer, but felt compelled to record spiritual journals for future generations, hoping one day they’d be read. Then she heard a sermon on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and realized she was just like the lazy servant who took what his master had given him and gave no return of profit. At that moment she was inspired to do more with her writing
     When I read this it hit me right between the eyeballs. Even though I didn’t have a laser-focused niche, it didn’t give me an excuse to stop writing. The wicked servant didn’t know what to do with his talents, so he buried them in the backyard, much like I’d been doing. I began to realize that, if I keep asking God for a core audience, He’ll give it to me when He knows I’m ready. And if that doesn’t happen, I’ll assume He wants me to continue inspiring and encouraging women in general.

     When the master in the parable saw that the other two servants took what he’d given them and doubled it, he put them in charge of many things and said, “Come and share in your master’s happiness.”

     We, too, can enjoy happiness with our Master when we are faithful and fruitful with what He’s given us to steward. Obedience and faithfulness lead to joy. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take all the joy I can get in this hard world.

     God gives each of us unique talents, stories and perspectives so we may reach people for Him. Have you been like me, confused and afraid to proceed with what God has given you to do? Let’s not be like the wicked and lazy servant, whose master called him worthless. Instead, let’s look forward to one day hearing our Master say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”